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2023-06-03Capital City Kick Off: Rage of the Black OrcKidRichard - nicolasfrancoisdoreBlack Orc - Chaos Dwarf0 - 3
2023-06-03Capital City Kick Off: Rage of the Black OrcKidRichard - camBlack Orc - Skaven2 - 1
2023-06-03Capital City Kick Off: Rage of the Black OrcKidRichard - cheapsantaBlack Orc - Black Orc0 - 1
2023-06-03Capital City Kick Off: Rage of the Black OrcSoaring_Saurian - KidRichardLizardmen - Black Orc1 - 2
2023-06-03Capital City Kick Off: Rage of the Black Orcbilbon007 - KidRichardBlack Orc - Black Orc2 - 0
2023-04-28Forest City Cup: Forest City 7sKidRichard - coachMcGirtBlack Orc - Human1 - 2
2023-04-28Forest City Cup: Forest City 7sKidRichard - Lucky_FishBlack Orc - Necromantic Horror1 - 0
2023-04-28Forest City Cup: Forest City 7sDa5id - KidRichardBlack Orc - Black Orc1 - 1
2022-06-25Gladiator Cup 2022MooseGreen - KidRichardDark Elf - Black Orc2 - 1